Community & Charity

Engagement &

AMG Business Group (Comprising AMG Electrical Solutions and SB Hire & Sales) commits to donating $25 000 Per Annum to community, charity and not for profit events in cash and in kind sponsorship.


Our Current Initiatives

KCM (Kyampisi Childcare Ministries)

Sponsor 2 Children Monthly in Uganda

BCM - (Bridge Childcare Ministries)

Sponsor 1 Child Monthly in Uganda

KCM (Kyampisi Childcare Ministries)

Sponsor of events and auctions on an annual basis

Community Events

Blackbutt Avocado Festival

Blackbutt Timbertowners Football Club

Kingaroy Baconfest

Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce Business Hub Major Sponsor

Kingaroy Chamber of Commerce Bronze Sponsor

Kingaroy Big Peanut In Kind Sponsor

Kingaroy Show Society

Tanduringie P&C Committe

Kingaroy Kindergarten

Kingaroy Kindergarten

Kingaroy Hospital Auxilliary

Making a Difference Together

Every project we undertake supports our mission of building a brighter, more sustainable future for our community.

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